House of Worship Testimonial

Wooridle Church – Creating a true silent stage with myMix

Any large church seeking to achieve a high quality sound reinforcement solution within its main sanctuary must eventually wrestle with the question of how many decibels it’s producing on stage. It is one thing to acquire a powerful, high-end system, but quite another to deliver real clarity through control. Deok Soo Lim, chief sound engineer at South Korea’s Wooridle Church, is on a mission to do just that.

For all of the technology within the church, however, Mr Lim is perhaps most pleased with his own addition to its arsenal of audio equipment. In an effort to apply as much control as possible to the louder portions of Wooridle’s Sunday services, he decided to invest in personal monitoring solutions for the church’s worship bands. His choice of brand was myMix. ‘1’ve used other personal monitoring systems in the past – 1’ve heard about all of them,’ he explains, ‘but 1 don’t think 1 would change away from MyMix now. 1’ve been telling the engineers at the satellite campus, which is still using monitor speakers, to use myMix instead. 1 really like the sound quality. 1t has a wide dynamic range. 1 didn’t have much information about myMix until this year’s Koba show but when 1 heard the system 1 really liked it so 1 immediately chose it for my church.’

At the moment Wooridle’s worship bands have all converted from stage monitors to the personal mixing system, with eight myMix units having been sourced from the South Korean distributor Soundus. In addition, an IEX-16L 16-channel input expander has been installed into the church’s racks alongside a myMix Control interface for remote control via a web browser.

l’m thinking of using the recording function on myMix so that we can have a virtual rehearsal. lt would be a much simpler set-up. We could run it from a single SD card.

Deok Soo Lim

Our latest testimonials

Jeff Lorber & Band

Jeff Lorber & Band

The Grammy Award Winning keyboardist, composer and record producer is using myMix in his awesome studio and live on tour. Check out his testimonial.

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